The Art of Carnaval
BACCA (Babylon Citizens Council on the Arts), Harper Bella, and Jose Tutiven - the Artists Create Change project and partnership through CRNY present "The Art of Carnaval" - a celebration and the opening of an ongoing project celebrating the art forms that are part of global carnival festivals.
Thank you for joining us for the opening event on February 21st
Thank you our event sponsors and volunteers: Creatives Rebuild New York, EastLine Theatre, Shaun Duntin, 4K Party Rentals, Pizzaiola North Babylon, Kamil Siniakowicz, Alice Cromarty, Paula Vidal
This project is funded by the Creatives Rebuild New York Artist Employment Program (Tides)
Additionally, BACCA's programs are made possible in part by public funds from the National Endowment for the Arts and New York State Council on the Arts
7:00 -10:00 p.m
Live music by Adlib Steel Pan Orchestra, Black Tie Brass performing NOLA-style music, as well as a performance by Pure Samba.
An art exhibition featuring local artists
Photography exhibition by Harper Bella
Lighting and sound by EastLine Theatre
An opportunity to engage with artists and arts administrators
Small bites from around the world
Featured Artists
Virtual Exhibition - Opens 2/21/23
Bernice Bleja Rausch, Daniela Velez, Felicia Montfort, Estelle Zagaria, Jaadyn Rogers, Sylvia Mueller, Taylor Rueb, Audrey Leonard, Bernice Corbin, Casey Greene, Dalia Berlin, Gary Tourigny, Hannah J. Conti, Jeffrey Potter, Jennifer Mohamed, Jerry Sardelli, Ketsia Creates, Kvita Mongroo, Lynn Staiano, Meagan J. Meehan, Melissa Maiello, Nora Franzese, Patricia Masi, Rima Potter, Shanique Reid, Stephanie Ivolella, Silvia Maria Rey, The Cici, Veronica Winters, Harper Bella
Submissions to the open call for art are now closed. Thank you for your interest!
BACCA (Babylon Citizens Council on the Arts), Harper Bella, and Jose Tutiven - the Artists Create Change project and partnership through CRNY - invite artists to participate in “The Art of Carnaval” - a celebration and the opening event of an ongoing project celebrating
the art forms that are part of global carnival festivals.
Deadline: Sunday, February 5, 2023 (11:59 p.m. EST)
There is not an entry fee - submissions are free to all.
Submissions are now closed. Thank you for your interest!
Artists are encouraged to submit original art in any medium which focuses on the global themes of carnival:
Culture, ritual, tradition
Freedom, liberation
Disguise, masquerade, identity, authenticity
Excess, abundance
Celebration, festivity, play
Unity, connection, collective revelry, community
Carnival is celebrated in over 50 countries across the world,
each with its own cultural traditions, rituals, symbolic imagery, and art forms.
What is carnival?
Carnival (Carnaval in Spanish, Portugese, and French-speaking countries; Carnevale in Italy; Fasnacht in Switzerland); Karnawal in Poland; and Karneval in Croatia and Germany), is the festivity that takes place in many countries around the world during the last days and hours before the Lenten season. Carnival originated as a festival in ancient Egypt to mark the end of winter and welcome spring.
Jurors: Harper Bella & Jose Tutiven
5 Artists will be chosen to display their work at the “Art of Carnaval” opening event and celebration on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 in the BACCA Arts Center (149 N. Wellwood Ave. Lindenhurst, NY). The exhibition will accompany performances during the event. Accepted work will then be featured in the Arts Center display window from February 21st through March 31, 2023, if the artist chooses to do so.
All selected work will be displayed as part of a virtual exhibition, curated by Harper Bella and Jose Tutiven. Work selected to be a part of the virtual exhibition is not guaranteed to be featured at the BACCA Arts Center.
-2D work must have a 36 x 36” maximum size and be framed if applicable and ready to hang.
-Artists may submit up to 3 entries for consideration. There is not a submission fee.
-All media will be considered, including painting, sculpture, ceramic art, and mixed media.
-Art is not guaranteed to be accepted.
Application Requirements
Please photograph your artwork for consideration. All photo images should be high-resolution. All submitted photo images must be a minimum of 1500 pixels (height and width) and emailed as an attachment addressed to with “Art of Carnaval” in the subject line. All submissions must be sent as an email by Sunday, February 5th, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
Application Details
For each submission, please include the following information in your email body:
Artist Name
Artist City of Residence
Title of Work
Indicate if the artwork is for sale. If so, please include the price and a contact email address or phone number. Viewers will be asked to contact you directly for details.
A short artwork description (less than 140 characters)
Optional: your social media handles (Instagram, Facebook, etc.)
Artist Agreement
By submitting work to the “Art of Carnaval” artists agree to allow the accepted works to be used for publicity and archival purposes. Artworks may be shared on social media platforms to the artist’s credit. Artists will retain the copyright of their work published on the BACCA website and platforms. Work will be handled with care, but neither BACCA staff or volunteers will be responsible for any loss, theft, or damage incurred. Artists agree that art pickup is to occur at a central location and will not be removed prior to the agreed upon pickup date. Entry to the exhibition constitutes agreement to all conditions.
Submissions Deadline:
Sunday, February 5th, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. EST
All Artists Notified:
Friday, February 10th, 2023
Artwork Drop-Off for (5) Selected Artists
Monday, February 20th, 2023
BACCA Arts Center
Art of Carnaval Celebration,
Opening of the Artists Create Change Project through CRNY, &
1-Day Exhibition (5 Artists)
Tuesday, February 21st 7-10 p.m.
BACCA Arts Center
Artists' Work Displayed in BACCA Window (5 Artists)
February 21st through March 31st, 2023
Virtual Exhibition (All Selected Artists)
Opens: Wednesday, February 22nd
features all awarded artists,
on display through May 1, 2023.

Department of Economic Development and Planning

BACCA’s programs are made possible in part with public funds from the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature, the County of Suffolk, County Executive Ed Romaine and the Suffolk County Legislature, the Town of Babylon, Supervisor Rich Schaffer, the Town of Babylon Local Development Corporation (LDC), the Lindenhurst Business Improvement District, and from membership and private contributions.