Learn more about Paumanauke Native American Festival, Inc. and the Native American Scholarship Fund Here.

Etiquette for Visitors
Everyone is welcome.
You are encouraged to bring your own seating, such as lawn chairs.
Benches around the dance circle are reserved for dancers.
Please be courteous to leave space for dancers' families and guests when choosing seating.
Only enter the dance circe if you are invited.
Always ask permission to take photos and/or video of dancers and of others.
Stand during special songs, including the Grand Entry, Flag Songs, Veteran's Songs, Memorial Songs, Prayer Songs, or other songs designated by the emcee. It is appropriate to remove hats that you may have on during the duration of these songs.
The emcee will provide you with instruction and information regarding special songs.
Admission Supports
The Annual Paumanauke Pow Wow
Arts and Cultural Programs
in the Town of Babylon
Press Inquiries
Please contact
A representative from BACCA will direct you to the appropriate contact(s) for your needs. Photos and video of the event require approval from the Paumanauke Native American Festival committee.
Event Sponsors
The Town of Babylon
BACCA's programs are supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, New York State Council on the Arts, Suffolk County, and the Town of Babylon.
Thank you, volunteers!

Pow Wow Committee
Gerry Goodlin
Tina Goodlin
Kayla Goodlin
Max Feldman, Mari Bialog
L. Blackhorse
Marcey "Tree in the wind" Langhorn
Tony "MoonHawk" Langhorn